Public research funding



2006- 2007, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up), PI, Development of hepatocyte spheroid chip, 2,938,000 yen


2008- 2010, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A), PI, Electrochemical approaches for regenerative medicine, 24,400,000 yen


2010- 2011, Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research, PI, Non-invasive and on-demand cell detachment technology, 4,160,000 yen


2012-2013, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Bio Assembler), PI, Rapid micromolding of vascular-like structures for engineering bone tissues, 6,000,000 yen



2008- 2009, Research on Regenerative Medicine for Clinical Application, PI, Cell culture dish for engineering tissues based on micro/nano technologies, 9,870,000 yen


2011- 2012, Research on Regenerative Medicine for Clinical Application, PI, Cell sheet engineering apparatus based on engineering approaches, 12,910,000 yen



2006- 2010, Industrial Technology Grant Program, PI, Sensing system involving the use of a three-dimensional electrode for osteoporosis diagnosis, 61,360,000 yen


2011- 2015, Leading Industrial Technology Development Project, PI, Fabrication of microdevice for microbial fuel cell and its application for saving energy at water-treatment facility, 44,000,000 yen



2007, Seeds Quest Program, PI, Culture dish for harvesting engineered tissue constructs, 2,000,000 yen


2011, JST, Research Seeds Quest Program, Co-PI, Fabrication of three dimensional bone-mimetic tissues, 910,000 yen


2011- 2016, JST, Advanced Low Carbon Technology Research and Development Program (ALCA), Co-PI, Innovative biofilm control technology for the enhancement of green energy generation technologies, 24,900,000 yen


Private research funding


May 2009 Tokyo Biochemical Research Foundation, Research grant, Electrochemical chip device for determination of bone metabolic markers, PI, 1,500,000 yen.

July 2010 The Association for the Progress of New Chemistry, Research grant, On-demand cell detachment for regenerative medicine, PI, 1,000,000 yen

Dec. 2010 Senri Life Science Foundation, Research grant, Development of selective cell manipulation technology, PI, 2,000,000 yen

Jun. 2011The Kurata Memorial Hitachi Science and Technology Foundation, Research grant, Engineering tissues using electrochemical cell detachment and photocrosslinkable gelatin hydrogel, PI, 1,200,000 yen