Contact us

The map indicates the route from the nearest bus stop, Hijiriga-Oka, to our building.
Check out access route and bus number in the below columns.
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■ Access
(See the map above for the access route)
Yokohama Station
→Bus stop No. 9 at West Exit of the Station
→Get on "Hama 11" Sotetsu Bus
→Stop at "Hijiriga-Oka" in 15 min
→Walk to N8-5 Kakou/Ankou Building
→Take elevator to 5th floor
■ Access information in YNU.
■Office |
■Lab |
Room 517 in N8-5 Building
Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University
79-5 Tokiwadai,
Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501 JAPAN
Prof. Junji Fukuda,
Tel: +81-45-339-4008, e-mail: fukuda ynu.ac.jp
Room 516 (tel:4008)
Room 510 (tel:3996)
in N8-5 Building
LIC(Tonomachi Lab)

The map indicates the route from the nearest bus stop, KING SKYFRONT Iriguchi (Entrance), to our building.
Check out access route and bus number in the below columns.
Kawasaki Station
→Bus stop No. 16 at East of the station
→Rinko Bus Line "Kawa 03" bound for Ukishima bus terminal
→Stop at "KING SKYFRONT Iriguchi (Entrance)"
→Walk to LIC
→Take elevator to 2nd floor
■Access informaion in LIC
■Lab |
Room 201 in LIC
Tonomachi, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi 240-8501 JAPAN
Life Innovation Center
Tel: +81-44-201-6543