Lab dinner with all members
December 13, 2013 |
Mr. .Bram from Swiss visited our lab for meeting.
December 27, 2013
Teshima(B4) attended at CHEMINAS 2013,Himeji, Japan, December 5-6, 2013 |
Enomoto (M1) had a presentationat the 2013 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, USA, December 1-12, 2013 |
Prof. fukuda and Osaki(D1) attended at TEMIS-AM 2013, Atlanta, USA, November 10-13, 2013
Prof. fukuda and Osaki(D1) attended at TEMIS-AM 2013, Atlanta, USA, November 10-13, 2013
Prof. fukuda and Osaki(D1) attended at TEMIS-AM 2013, Atlanta, USA, November 10-13, 2013
Enomoto (M1) had a presentation at the 8th symposium of the society for biotechnology, Japan.November 8-9, 2013 |
Prof.Fukuda and Kageyama(M2) had attended at The 17th International Conference on MicroTAS2013, Freiburg Germany.October 27-30, 2013 |
Kageyama(M2) had a presentation at The 17th International Conference on MicroTAS2013, Freiburg Germany.October 27-30, 2013 |
Prof Fukuda had a presentation at home coming day in YNU,
October 26, 2013
Prof Fukuda had a presentation at home coming day in YNU,
October 26, 2013 |
Prof Fukuda had a presentation at home coming day in YNU,
October 26, 2013
Prof Fukuda had a presentation at home coming day in YNU,
October 26, 2013 |
Visiting Janos Voros Lab at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Prof. Fukuda, Enomoto (M1), Sep. 21-30, 2013 |
Visiting Janos Voros Lab at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Prof. Fukuda, Enomoto (M1), Sep. 21-30, 2013 |
Visiting Janos Voros Lab at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Prof. Fukuda, Enomoto (M1), Sep. 21-30, 2013 |
Visiting Janos Voros Lab at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Prof. Fukuda, Enomoto (M1), Sep. 21-30, 2013 |
Visiting Janos Voros Lab at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Prof. Fukuda, Enomoto (M1), Sep. 21-30, 2013 |
Visiting Janos Voros Lab at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Prof. Fukuda, Enomoto (M1), Sep. 21-30, 2013 |
Prof. Fukuda won TERUI Award from The Society for Biotechnology, Japan.
Sep. 18-20, 2013 |
Prof. Fukuda won TERUI Award from The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. Sep. 18-20, 2013 |
Dr. Sassa from U. of Tsukuba visited our lab for meeting.
Sep 10-11, 2013 |
Prof. Fukuda won TERUI Award from The Society for Biotechnology, Japan.
Sep. 18-20, 2013 |
One-day course of lab experiences
August 1, 2013 |
Introduction of our LAB. in open campus(enomoto)
August 2-3, 2013 |
One-day course of lab experiences
August 1, 2013
One-day course of lab experiences
August 1, 2013 |
J. Fukuda, T. Kakegawa
TERMIS-EU 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
J. Fukuda, T. Kakegawa
TERMIS-EU 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
Kageyanma had a presentation at Symposium of bio-assebler in IIS, Tokyo
June 12, 2013
Osaki had a presentation at Symposium of
bio-assebler in IIS, Tokyo
June 12, 2013 |
2013 CHEMNAS, Sendai, Japan
May 23-24, 2013 |
Teshima had a presentation at research progress of graduation theses in Yokohama national university
June 11, 2013 |
Enomoto won the award at CHEMINAS
May 24, 2013
A convivial party with Itagaki Lab members
Lab dinner with new members
April 6, 2013
Osaki recived a prize from the president of graduate school of University of Tsukuba
March 25, 2013 |
The president award from University of Tsukuba (Enomoto)
March 25, 2013 |
Enomoto won the award at Science inter college
March 8, 2013 |