Blood and lymphatic vascular systems are essential to supply oxygen and nutrient to tissue cells, surplus a waste substance, maintain normal tissue homeostasis as circulation. These systems are also known as routes for spreading cancer cells and the mechanism of cancer metastasis has long attracted attention. However, an interaction between blood and lymphatic system is still unclear, especially in pathology and oncology. Here, we fabricated in vitro model of blood and lymphatic systems by specific electrochemical method. |
First, we fabricated the blood and lymphatic vessel structures by electrochemical cell detachment. And we found the formation of HDLECs networks around fabricated blood and lymphatic vessel-like structures on perfusion culture. To evaluate the functions of these structures, we investigated the response to the inflammatory cytokine by the adhesion tests of leukocytes and existence of intercellular junction proteins on them. As a result, fabricated blood and lymphatic structures showed similar responses and structures to the living body. Accordingly, these suggest that this model reproduces bio environment and can be used as the in vitro model for cancer metastasis between blood and lymphatic vessels.